What Value, Money?
“Money is a framework for my exploration of value and values: of the personal versus the public; of the conflicting perspectives between women and men; of the cultural differences between generations; and of the harmony between (or conflict with) individuals in relation to a global society.

Over the years, I have pondered many questions about this highly charged symbol, and what it represents with respect to identity—both of the self, and of one's larger society. How do we reflect our own worth, and our worth as a society, through currency? Should it still matter that individual countries each have their own currency, or would it be better to have a borderless world, and a unified currency? (Will it unite us, or ultimately destroy us?) What is money's position vis-a-vis individualism, diversity, identity, unity? What, ultimately, will be gained, and what lost?

I believe that these questions are more relevant than ever today, as information, relationships, and, ultimately, currency—become ever more connected. As an artist, I want to encourage my viewers to consider how their money, and what they choose to spend it on (or forego), goes hand in hand with the worth assigned to individuals, things, societies, and countries.”

— Jenna Lash

Upcoming & Recent Shows

Address Earth Expo 2023

The Hudson Valley Museum of Contemporary Art (HV MOCA), Peekskill, NY

Opening: Saturday, October 14, 2023, 2pm.

October 14, 2023 – December 9, 2023

A Day With Soft September Breezes

Virtual Exhibition

Opening: Sunday, September 24, 2023, 11am.

September 24, 2023 – September 23, 2025